Thursday, June 2, 2022

Another cold night


I woke up early. Chris came back to bed after working out with the colonel. There was a certain odor, which went away when he took a shower. After he left, I got up. I heated water and made coffee. I put on the CD lineup. During the special exercises, I remembered that the plants needed watering. I did that and went back to coffee morning.

After meditation and tapping, I made a paste of coconut oil and baking soda. I rubbed it in my hair over the itchy spot, then put a shower cap over it. I cleaned the bathrooms and kitchen and did lots of vacuuming. I poured vinegar on my head to rinse off the baking soda, then took a shower and got dressed.

I went to the school to walk with the ladies at 2:30. Then I went home to get a grounding mat for Jenni. I took it to her and checked her outlet to make sure everything was working, and plugged it in. I stopped by the post office to pick up the mail.

When I got home, I read e-mail, including the Dugway weather report. 34 was the predicted low temp. I texted it to the ladies who have plants in the garden. Jenni texted that she was leading water aerobics at 7pm. Sigh.

I parsed out two weeks worth of supplements, concentrating on those for the issues identified in my iridology report. Then I ordered more. The price of ubiquinol had gone up significantly.

Chris came home just before going to Mass. I listened to an interview about military people being denied medical exemptions and RA's. I didn't want to go to the pool, but figured I should support Jenni. So I put on my suit, and grabbed a towel. Chris came home from Mass and said Michelle played the piano. Then I drove to the pool.

I talked to Heather while I waited for Jenni to arrive. They both went in the water. I sat on the side with just my feet in. They lost feeling so the rest of me stayed out of the water. At 7:30, we all went to the sauna. It was already at 180 degrees. It felt wonderful! We sat and chatted until almost 8. Then we got out, dressed, and went home.

I texted Michelle because she had picked up goat's milk. She said to come over, so I drove to her house and she had three half-gallon jars for me. I paid her and got into a conversation. She talked until 9, when I insisted on going home to get the milk into the fridge. I suggested that she really needs to talk to Chris.

When I got home, Chris helped me find room in the fridge for the three jars. Then I made tea. Chris wasn't quite ready so I practiced my trombone for a little bit. Then we watched two episodes of Gomer Pyle. I listened to This Week with Polly and Mary. They said a documentary is coming out about the 60% worldwide drop in fertility.

At 11:30 I shut down my computer and got ready for bed. Chris soon followed, but he was in bed before me because he doesn't have a routine.

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