Tuesday, September 20, 2022

The cat leaves and I start cleaning


I woke up hearing Chris moving about the house. I tried to go back to sleep, but was still slightly awake when he kissed me goodbye. And then all was quiet. I stayed in bed for a bit, but finally got up. I brushed and swished. I checked the tower garden and saw that the mice had been in it again. Sigh. I had moved it out of the wind but clearly they found it.

I made a list of all I intended to do today. I recorded hours for cleaning the company house. I submitted August hours and Jamie's hours to the new point of contact. I watered the plants at home. I didn't see any gopher mounds that needed addressing.

I packed the car with cleaners and food. I went to Michelle's house. Saronna was just walking by. She and I talked about camping in the rain. Then Michelle came out. I gave her the eggs and kale to freeze-dry. She said it was swiss chard and did I have any extra? I told her she could have it all because it just kept growing in my garden and I don't like it that much.

Then I went to the garden to water, fertilize and make notes of damage from pests. From there I went to clean April's house, or rather, the house formerly known as April's. I spent the first 15 minutes just trying to figure out why my vacuum hose had no suction. Well, it was stuffed full of dog hair. I suspect Amanda did not empty it soon enough.

At noon, I put the leftover food from her fridge in a container and took it home. I made and ate breakfast and read e-mail. Then I went back to clean again for an hour. Then I returned a DVD and got a new one. I stopped by the post office for mail.

I met the ladies at the school and we went walking, but cut it short because Jenni wasn't feeling well. Then I cleaned for another hour. Faye called to talk about estate stuff and Tonja came over to help take left-behinds to the swap shop.

When I got back to the house, Steve had just pulled up. He said April left some stuff for him. I told him it had all gone to the swap shop, even the cook books. He called her and she said she didn't mean to leave them behind.

I went home for supper. I made a salad, and listened to part of a podcast. Chris called and we talked. Then Jenni came over. She gave me a cucumber and I gave her the Cheerios and spice paste left behind. She stayed to talk, about an hour.

I listened to a podcast on future of society as inflation rises. I watched a yoga teacher floss his sinuses as one method of clearing them. Yikes! I worked on my blog, then it was time for bed.

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