Sunday, September 18, 2022

The checks are in the mail


I got up late. Michele called Chris' phone because mine was off. She wanted to talk about the status of her wedding dress. I offered to buy more lace if she needed it but she would rather have the money for a honeymoon in Scotland.

I watered plants and gopher mounds. I wrote two checks and put them in the mail. I found the lights on in the swap shop and turned them off before locking the door. When I got home, I pulled fabrics for the class. I parsed supplements for the next two weeks. I made breakfast and listened to interviews about foreign relations.

At 1:30, I loaded my car and went to the chapel. Chris brought in the machines and I set them up. 2 pm came and went. I went home for my phone and a larger cutting board. When I got back, I found four people there: Diane, Jenni, Tonja and Rebecca. Diane helped her son make a pillowcase and they left. Rebecca's son did not help her at all. Jenni and Tonja both made two pillowcases for grandkids.

It was after 4 when we packed up and went home. I rested a little, then went to the company house to finish cleaning. I got home after 6. Chris had baked my potatoes in the oven. Then he made steak while I picked a salad. Sadly, the lid of a plastic container on the stove melted. I read e-mail and watched Telegram videos. I put some oregano stems in water to root.

I made tea and we watched more episodes of Knightrider. I stayed up to read e-mail, then went to bed.

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