Wednesday, December 7, 2022

A dinner for the Germans


I got up before 8, thinking Chris was still here, but he wasn't. I washed up and got dressed. I checked e-mail. I sat against the PEMF mat while listening to episode 8. I ripped off the pocket from the stained shirt and replaced the pocket on the good shirt that had a hole. Then I whipped up seed crackers and put them in the oven. I picked up my book and read on and off.

I was supposed to go help box stuff, but he texted me that he was too tired. So I texted Jamie that we weren't going to do that after all. I replenished the bags of pumpkin and sunflower seeds that go in the seed cracker box. I put on the next bonus episode and looked up the recipe for nut cheese. I read e-mail, then put cashews and sunflower seeds in water to soak.

Before noon, I made breakfast and started eating when Chris came home for lunch. He reminded me that Ravonna speaks German, so I asked him to invite her tonight. I resumed watching on my laptop. At 3:30, I went walking with two other ladies. We had a nice chat, then Diane had to go back to work.

When I got home, I cleaned a space in the garage, and unpacked boxes from the post office. I changed clothes and we went to the LDS church just off post. Michelle and Tiffany had set up a dinner for the German army guys. I didn't realize it was a sit-down dinner/buffet with announcements and singing afterwards.

While I was eating and talking to Johnnie, Michelle said one of the guys requested a guitar, so she and I went to my house to get the one I never play. I went in the garage and hoped it wasn't chewed on or frozen or something. But when we got back to the church, Michelle handed it to the requestor and he seemed happy with it.

The Army commander said a few words, then led a ceremony for a member who got promoted. Then the party broke up. We got into several conversations before we left, and I invited the Germans to come to church on Sunday. Only later did I think about how much snack I would need to bring.

We drove back on post. I jotted notes for my blog. We watched one episode of Pickard. Then I perused e-mail for an hour or so, and went to bed.

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