Friday, December 2, 2022



I got up at 7:30, having awoken much earlier when Chris got up to work out. I brushed and swished. I watered all the plants. Michele got up and made oatmeal in the microwave. She said her back was hurting so I had her sit against the PEMF mat. Then John woke up and Michele made him a bowl of oatmeal. I got dressed and posted the sewing class to the Facebook page. I threw some mail-ordered fabric in the wash. I wrote Michele a check to cover their travel expenses.

They were both packed when I remembered the UV sanitation wand. They let me sterilize their N95's which were ready for the airport. Chris came home from work with a full tank of gas. We got in his car, with luggage in the trunk and headed to the airport. I went along to have the extra 90 minutes with them.

We got there around 10:30. Chris got the luggage out of the trunk and we hugged them goodbye. They disappeared into the terminal. And we drove off. Chris asked me if I was as sad as he was. I said I didn't know how to rate sadness. He said he was at 3 Cecilys.

As we drove home, we listened to the book on CD. We got back a little after noon. I put the fabric in the dryer and made my breakfast. I had mistakenly filled my tumeric bottle with cayenne so the first bite was eye-opening!

I listened to The Highwire as I ate. Chris ate lunch and went back to work. After The Highwire, I got my origami papers ready, plus three pairs of scissors, and the sample projects.

I went over to Michelle's house. I gave her some pineapple goat cheese. She added more salt and it was better. She also said it would be improved by chunks of pineapple. I showed Isadora how to make the tree and the stars. She already knew how to make the tiny star and 'fortune tellers'. (I remember those from when I was a kid). Michelle cut many strips of wrapping paper for the tiny stars.

Tiffany called to say a family needed to get into the swap shop, so I jumped in my car and went over to unlock it. I returned to Michelle's house and we chatted as she cut. Then we took the origami stuff and some decorative items over to the community club. It was crowded and too noisy for people to hear music if Saronna and I had been playing. I got sidetracked talking to Kincie. Michelle could not find our table. But luckily Diane brought an extra one. Michelle set it up, then went looking for me. I had left Kincie to go attend the tree-lighting. They must have done it early because everyone was walking toward the club. I found Chris and walked back with him. Then I found our table with the origami stuff - but not before seeing that someone else had origami projects as well.

Isadora and I sat at the table with our sample projects. I taught people how to make trees and large stars. She showed them how to make the fortune tellers and the tiny stars. Chris ordered me a salad, but what came back was a burger. Michelle went to exchange it. Chris brought me the salad, then went off to talk to people. I continued to man the table as I ate the salad. Soon the people at the other tables started packing up. Diane had brought our table, so we packed up, too. Jenni drove me to Michelle's house and gave me a birthday present - tea and honey in a basket. After she left, I returned the decorative items to Michelle, then got in my car and went home.

I started watching This Week with Mary and Polly. I ate the last of the sprouts and some turkey. Chris came home with the news of a suicide on post. He told me he would be getting a phone call and have to leave. I made tea and we watched the last episode of The Librarians. He paused it when his phone rang and he had to leave. I contacted Jamie to see how she was taking it. Then I worked on my blog post. Chris came back and we finished the episode and also watched one of I Dream of Jeannie. He got other related calls, but did not have to leave. I read e-mail for awhile, then went to bed. Chris came to bed later.

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