Thursday, February 9, 2023

Book Club


I had RLS during the night. I got up to drink tonic water, but it didn't help. I did some stretches, then laid down and suffered for a while till the sensations stopped.

I got up around 8 to start coffee morning. But first I watered the plants, and changed water for the cuttings. After exercises, coffee and meditation, I cleaned the kitchen and then the bathrooms. I cleaned out the vacuum filter and then swept the house. I took a shower and got dressed.

I read e-mail until 2:40. I went to the inspection of the apartment. They found it in good shape. Colly walked with me to the assigned storage shed. The door was locked and there was a truck parked in front of it. The apt key did not fit. But he recognized the truck and said he would ask the owner later why he was parking there.

I went directly to Housing to return the key. Then I went by the post office to pick up mail. But it was all junk mail. It wasn't worth going home, so I went to the gym, arriving just a little too early to walk. I did one circuit in the weight room. Then I found Michelle coming in.

We went upstairs to walk and Diane joined us. We talked about Diane's value to the post and hoping she will stay. After she left, Michelle and I went to the weight room to finish my workout. She talked about wanting to cook food for the colonel when he has guests.

I went home and read e-mail while listening to something. Chris came home from work, then went to Mass. I put on my coat and went to Book Club. I hadn't read the book, but the announcement said you didn't have to. It was at the library. I knew three of the ladies, but not the fourth. They discussed a book on 911. Then they discussed what book to read for next month. Books I suggested got blank stares. I guess my age is showing.

When I got home, Chris was home. I finished a short video that started earlier. Then I jotted notes for my blog. I made tea and we watched an episode of SG1. Then Chris went to bed early and I stayed up to watch videos on growing microgreens, with or without soil, but not as late as usual.

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