Sunday, February 12, 2023

Hanging pictures in the office


I got up around 8. I did the usual first things and took a dose of ParaSmart. I submitted a Swanson's order for stuff the kinesiologist recommended, then did an online chat to add something else.

I read e-mail, then asked Chris for a coconut oil massage. I took a shower and got dressed. He started a load of laundry and went to the office to clean up. I parsed new supplements for the next 3 days, because that's all I had room for in my pill minder.

I made and ate breakfast. I was reading e-mail when I heard the washer beep. I found the whites were really dingy. So I put the not-dingy stuff in the dryer, and re-started the rest with Oxyclean.

Chris called and wanted my help, so I put picture-hanging stuff in a bag and went to his office. I texted Michelle, because she loves this type of stuff. She came over and helped us arrange Chris' award plaques on the wall in anticipation of his boss coming next week. We also did some wiping of surfaces that Chris neglected when he wiped his desk.

She had to leave and we left, too. I took another dose of Parasmart, Chris put sweet potatoes in the oven. I heated some ground beef and potatoes and started a salad. Michelle came over with some screws for hanging a round thing that had no hanger.

Still consuming info through reading and listening, I ate supper, and took notes. Then I worked on blog post for Friday. Chris finished the laundry and put towels in the kitchen. We watched several episodes of SG1. Then Chris warmed up the sheets in the dryer and we dressed the bed. I put my clean clothes away, did my stretches, and went to bed.

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