Wednesday, March 22, 2023

A long guild meeting


I got up about 8. I got ready for the day. I rinsed seeds and sprouts. I made seed crackers and read e-mail while they baked. Later I made breakfast. Chris did not come home for lunch.

At 1:50, I went to the library to return a season of SG1, and then to the post office to pick up the mail. Then I went to Saronna's house to play music. But we ended up talking the whole time. So when her alarm went off, we quickly played a hymn, then packed up. She walked to the school to get her kids.

I went home and checked my phone. There was a message from the ladies who were walking early. So I ate an apple, then went to the gym to walk with Michelle and Tonja. Afterward, I went home and had some beef.

I read e-mail for a bit, then signed into Zoom for the quilt guild meeting in Huntsville. I got sleepy as it ran for 2 hours. For the first time in years, some people were online but the others were in a conference room at Publix, the new meeting space. I am envious that they get to meet in person now. Part of the problem of having show-n-tell in person but through Zoom, is that taking pics is hard. As soon as they hold it up, someone comments and Zoom replaces the quilt's frame with the speaker's frame.

Chris came home from work and made his supper. After the meeting, I made and ate a salad. Then I worked on my blog. I made tea and we watched two episodes of SG1. Chris went to bed soon afterward. I stayed up till 11 and did some tapping. Then I did my stretches and went to bed. However, in the middle of the night I woke up with my left ear ringing especially loudly. I got up, turned off my phone and put it in the diningroom, then went back to bed.

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