Saturday, March 4, 2023

The cold survived, but I almost didn't


I woke early with a stuffy nose. I did the usual first stuff. I cleaned the tea pot, and boiled water. I made up supplement doses for four days. I read the MMS book while the water cooled. The book recommended a 6 and 6 solution for stopping a cold. So I made the first dose and took it. I got a slight headache. I cleaned the sinus bottle and used the boiled water to make more sinus rinse. I rinsed my sinuses. I made a grocery list and read. After an hour, I took the second dose. I went to the company house and cleaned the floors, which took 40 minutes.

When I got back, I started making breakfast. But the headache got worse and I felt nauseous. I told Chris to go to get his hair cut at Michelle's house without me. I thought he would be done in 10 minutes.

I could not eat breakfast. And in spite of my dread of vomiting, I finally did. The headache intensified but the nausea subsided. I read a book for an hour or more. I threw up again, but it didn't hurt as much. Chris came back with his hair cut. He said he had to wait in line. He convinced me to lie and down and I think I actually slept, on and off.

I got up around 4:30. I ate part of my breakfast while reading the latest news. I put on the Day 5 presentation. I read Telegram messages and ate pistachios while it played. Then I worked on my blog. I hoped my congestion would clear up so I could go to Game Night at Michelle's house. Michelle texted and convinced me to come anyway.

So I took the 2.5 gallon water container and drove over to her house. Her husband had the game up on the TV. She set up her diffuser to help me breathe. Maybe it did, because I only sneezed once and my nose did not drip much. Her daughter stayed up to watch for a while, then went to bed, taking her therapy dog with her.

I had a good time playing different levels of the game and talking to her and her husband. One round I could not figure out so she read me the solution given, but it didn't work. Not even close. I went on to the next level.

Finally it was getting towards 11. He brought me the filled water container. I thanked them and went home. Chris was waiting up for me. We shut down the computers and the router and went to bed.

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