Saturday, August 19, 2023

Disappointing game night


I got up after 7:30. I made supplements for the week. I got dressed and went outside to water the plants. I also watered a gopher hole. I stripped the leaves off of the mint and threw out the stems. I went to 408 to clean. Jamie came over there with a box of personal stuff of Erin's. I finished cleaning walls and window and doors, then went home for breakfast.

I put the mint leaves in the salad spinner and covered them with water. I made and ate breakfast while reading e-mail. After breakfast, I drained the mint and spun it. I put it on the back porch to dry.

I found the right size box and packed all of Erin's stuff in it. Chris came back from work, but then he was putting a new end on my ethernet cord. So I went to the post office and mailed the box. When I got back, he packed the cooler while I texted Erin that her package was on the way.

We got in the car and drove to Tooele, listening to the latest book on CD. We shopped at Luckey's, Melanie's, Macey's, and the dollar store. Then we headed back to base. We did not stop at the commissary, but went home and put the food away. I laid down because the book practically put me to sleep. Later I got up and checked e-mail.

Chris heated the last of the fish and mushrooms. He made rice, too. I picked all the greens that needed picking. I washed them and picked out the worst for my salad. I added greens from the fridge, plus tomatoes and a carrot.

After supper, I read more e-mail. I worked on my blog. I checked my to-do list. I put the water container, eggs, and greens in the car. I looked up the next part of Riven. I filled a bottle with tea, but dropped it on the floor thinking it was inside my purse. Chris got a towel and we cleaned up the glass and liquid.

I went to Michelle's house. Casey had the game up. We chatted a little but I dug right in. Sadly my first puzzle solution did not work, even though it was what I just watched. Hmm. I went on to another one. I had trouble there, too. But I did find a door I hadn't seen before and stopped the golden globe. But I could not solve the puzzle inside.

When I got home, Chris was still up. I went to bed and he finished up his game and followed me.

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