Saturday, August 5, 2023

Packing a loaner basket


I got up soon after 7, with two fingers and my thumb numb. It took some time and swinging my arms to get the feeling back. I took supplements, and swished. I got dressed and checked on my plants. They all seemed hydrated from the rain.

I went to 603 to drop off cleaning supplies stored in my trunk. The commander and his wife were walking down the street and waved to me. I rinsed the filters soaking in ammonia water and gave them fresh water to soak in.

I went home and started pulling out spare kitchen utensils to create a loaner basket. I also went to the swap shop to see what they had. I came back with plates and a coffee maker., a shower curtain and two candles. I plugged it in to make sure it worked. I put water in the sink and washed all the things for the loaner basket. I also washed a bin from the garage to put the stuff in. I found a towel and washcloth that kind of matched. I soaked the shower curtain and toilet brush in bleach, then washed the curtain.

Jerry rang my doorbell and I gave him the tub of stuff plus two bathroom-size garbage cans and a kitchen-size bin with a broom and swiffer mop. I asked if he needed sheets and he said yes. So after he left, I went to the shed next to Michelle, and picked out two sets of sheets, plus a pillow in a case and a blanket and a mattress pad. I came home and threw the sheets in the washer.

I made and ate breakfast and checked e-mail. When the sheets were done, I discovered one fitted sheet was stained. So I texted Jerry to come over to get the unstained set plus the utensils that I forgot the first time. He did. However, I forgot to give him the blanket and mattress pad. Sigh.

Michelle wanted to go walking, so I met her at the gym. She had her dog and was talking to firefighters about Isadora's seizures. Then we walked the track for some time while she talked about her meeting with the colonel. The dog needed to go out, so we sat outside for awhile, then went to see the apple and pear trees. Unsurprisingly they were not ripe.

I went home to make cheese squares. I preheated the oven, beat the eggs and added the cheese. I nearly cooked what was stored in the oven, but rescued them just in time. While they baked, I cleaned the fridge. I pulled out things from the back that were unidentifiable. Some things I ate and some things I threw away. Some things I left for tomorrow. Then I drank a can of fizzy water and checked e-mail.

I worked on my blog and got ready for game night. I read about Riven. Jamie texted that she hadn't finished cleaning the bathrooms at 607 today because she was sick. It doesn't surprise me with how hard she worked this week.

I took the nut cheese and water container and went to Michelle's house. Her husband helped me play Riven, which made it more fun. Around 11, I realized I needed to read more about it. He carried the water out to my car and I drove home and got ready for bed.

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