Monday, December 25, 2023

Brass quintet on Christmas Eve


I got up at 8:30 according to the clock in the bedroom. I washed up and got dressed. I took supplements and brushed. I read e-mail until 9:30. Then Chris said we didn't have to leave until 9:45 so I made and ate breakfast.

Then we drove to the church. We arrived before Faye. I stood in the fellowship hall and talked to Floyd as the kids came to dress for the pageant. Faye showed up and started getting food ready for after church. So I stayed to help if I could and we missed the pageant. Then we sat in the sanctuary for the rest of the service, but it didn't last very long and church was over at 11:30. Although, they do tack stuff on the end so it was 11:50 till I left the pew.

I talked to some people, then went to help Faye who was replenishing things as they ran low. She had apple slices, assorted veggies, crackers, cheeses, olives, etc. Finally it seemed people were done, so we started putting it away. We didn't get out until 2.

We followed Faye home. She gave us the keys to the Olds and we went to the inspection place to pick it up. I drove it to the nearest gas station and filled the tank. Then we found a place to turn around and headed to Chester.

I read e-mail while Chris did laundry and made some soup. I got in touch with Jamie and she said something is going around. Later we changed clothes for Christmas Eve. We headed back to the church. I took Dad's trombone into the fellowship hall and unpacked it. I talked to Bobby who was in charge of the brass quartet for a bit. He had a bunch of songs lined up for a 15 minutes slot. I thought it was too much, and it was, because the choir still had to practice as well as the bell ringers. So we ended up cutting it short.

After that ended, we picked up candles and sat in the sanctuary. There were readings and carols. The bell choir did 3 numbers. The vocal choir sang. A lady played flute on most hymns, but I could hardly hear her. At the end, the lights were turned down and we lit candles and sang Silent Night. It was nice.

Afterward, I talked to Jeff in the hall as I packed up my trombone. Faye and Chris joined in. I learned that all valve instruments have the same fingerings because the tubing relationships are the same.

Eventually we wished each other a Merry Christmas and headed out. Faye went home with the trombone and I went back to Chester with Chris. I finished listening to New World Next Year while crocheting, then worked on my blog. I made tea and got ready for bed.

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