Sunday, December 10, 2023

Decorating the chapel


I got up after 8. I got ready for the day and went to the company house to get the laundry started. The master bedroom had not been slept in so I didn't need to clean the bathroom. I started the washing machine and went home.

My pans of water were frozen so I placed the ice slabs in back of the bathroom wall where the sun doesn't shine. I refilled them. I unplugged my electronic sewing machine and put an electric one in its place in case of power blips. I worked on a second pillow top. The electric one did not work as well.

At 10:30, I paused to go to the company house and throw the laundry into the dryer. There had been a power blip, but the washer had completed its job. I went home and asked Chris for a massage. He complied. Then he took his shower and I took mine. I went to the kitchen to make up a week's worth of supplements. Chris was also in the kitchen making turkey soup. After the supplements, I made breakfast and ate it.

Around 2 I was ready to go clean. But Jamie was working on my yard, so we spoke for awhile. Then she left and I went to the company house to make the bed, clean the house and mop the floors.

While I was mopping, Michelle called to say they needed to get into the chapel to decorate it. I had thought the chaplain was with them. So I drove over quickly and unlocked the door then went back to the house. But now the key would not open the door. I tried the back door. No luck. I went back to the front door and used the other key. It had trouble too, but did eventually open it.

I finished mopping and went back to the chapel to help decorate. They were having trouble getting the tree up. The wiring was a mess and so were the decorations. Michelle and a man were working on getting the sections of the tree together. Eventually she had to call the chaplain to get the locks to the chapel sheds open. We found more decorations in there. She said we should replace the tree next year.

While she and other decorated the main tree, I decorated one of the small fake trees up near the altar. Another lady decorated one on the other side and Summer did the garland down the sides of the chapel. We hung two wreaths at the back.

Eventually everyone finished their project and went home. Michelle and I tried to make a little scene with trees and a lamb, but there was no separate lamb in the manger scene. So we locked the sheds and went home.

Chris had a big pot of turkey soup on the stove. I ladled a bowl and ate it while reading e-mail. Then I had another bowl. After that, I collected greens from around the house and made a small salad. I continued to read e-mail, then worked on my blog.

I whipped up a batch of seed crackers, then made tea and we watched two episodes of Psych. Afterward, we made the bed and I went back to reading while he went to sleep.

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