Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Octopus' revenge?

I got up at 4 am to fix lunches because Chris had to be at work at 5. Thankfully I got to go back to bed! When I got up again, it was after eight. I 'chatted' with Kurt for a little bit, then showered, dressed and went to 7/11 for some candy for Michele's future lunches. When I got back, Andrea came over to work on her friendship blocks. We got nine done and did alot of female bonding. She brought me some homemade fudge! It was really good and chocolatey, too. Not that sickly sweet stuff. Andrea drove me by the post office to mail two packages, and then we picked up her kids and she dropped me off at the gate. Michele came home from school, but only for an hour, then she went with a friend to the Retreat Center to plan for a retreat this weekend. When Chris got home, he changed clothes and we walked into Itaewon to a Greek restaurant. I had the octopus salad. It was very good. Then we walked back, buying strawberries from a street vendor along the way. Not long after we returned, Michele called for a ride home. We left immediately, not sure exactly how to get there, but we did very well. They were surprised how soon we made it. When I got back, I started to work in my sewing room, but ended up in the bathroom for an hour. Chris says it was the water. Hmmm. At least I have lived to tell the tale.


Gwenda said...

So, what does octopus taste like?

Fern said...

It was really good, sliced and chilled with a vinegrette dressing.