Monday, February 8, 2010

Impromptu QOV

Pam picked me up at the gate, and we drove to the SPC. Cathy met us there with a key, thinking that it wouldn't be open, but it was. The room was stiflingly hot so we opened some windows. While waiting for a few more people to arrive, we talked about baby quilts: maybe we should make them for only E-5's and below, but also give them to Yongsan babies. As more people arrived, we set up for Stork's Nest. Many people brought in tops so there was plenty of backing and tieing to do. We completed 14 quilts and had at least 6 more that just needed tieing. I spent most of my time cutting block exchange kits and passing them out. I ran out of the blue and I hope the fabric man has more in Dongdaemun. Pam dropped me off at the gate around 3. I hadn't many e-mails so I went into my sewing room to work on a QOV. Toniette had found a package of leftovers and I decided to see what I could make of it. See pic. Chris made hamburgers for supper. With a little bit of willpower I was able to eat only one. So I can have another tomorrow.

1 comment:

Mom said...

Nice quilt from leftovers. Mom