Sunday, February 7, 2010

Jean Skirts

We got up a little late, but did make it to church during the first hymn. While passing the peace, Hyon whispered that she had some fabric to give me. After church I found out that she will bring it NEXT week. After church we stopped at the PX for organic soap and flaxseed. Then we went to the commissary for groceries. When we got back home, Chris cut up veggies with ham and made a stew. It was really good. While it was stewing, he went out on the porch and I cut his hair. It is odd how the porch with the sun was comfortably warm in short sleeves, but the other one (the one with the washing machine) was freezing. After cutting his hair, I went back to my computer. I watched a video called "Sweet Misery: A Poisoned World". It talks about the rise of Aspartame in spite of evidence that it causes neurological disorders.
I also made two jean skirts to practice for Thursday's class. While making them I watched some of Cathy's quilting DVD's. I am going to return them tomorrow so we can show them during our weekly meetings.

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