Friday, February 12, 2010

Sharing the fabric

It snowed again today, but most of it didn't last. I spent the morning making a package of block exchange fabric for Ralu who lives in the states now. I also made a different package for Kay to thank her for keeping my fabric safe. Then I loaded up the packages and walked to post. I tried to start the car parked inside the gate, but it was a no-go. So I called Chris to come over and jump it. While waiting I opened the hood and got out the jumper cables. There was a lady parked near me sitting in her idling van eating a burger. When she finished, she offered to jump my car. I am uncertain of the process and wasn't sure she knew it either. She seemed completely unconcerned about letting the postive and negative handles touch after connecting to my battery. Well, there wasn't much she could do to hurt my battery, but I have heard stories of electrical systems ruined by jumping someone's car and didn't want anything to happen to hers. But I let her do it, and Chris drove up as my car started. He then followed me to the post office where he gave me his key so I could leave it running and lock it. So it ran the whole time I was in there. And I was in awhile because the lady said it would be cheaper to re-package the fabrics in flat-rate boxes. So ok. Then I went to the ATM, but that was short. Then I drove to Toniette's house to pick up the yellow fabric I asked her to get, turning off the car. It seems when I bought fabric for the group exchange project, I forgot to buy enough for me too. I stayed for while and we talked, She showed me her fabric closet. Then I went to the commissary (again, turning off the car), only to find that everyone else had the same idea. I guess snow does that to people. I bought the fixings for 3 batches of bean soup. Just in case. I parked in the lot by the gate, and grabbed all the groceries and walked them home. I didn't realize until later that I intended to go to the ACS building but forgot. I had a few e-mails to clear out and was listening to an interview with Symeon Rodger when Chris came home and needed my attention. So I paused it. I didn't get back to it until 11pm and then the Winsock file was corrupted. My current theory is that having Yahoo open leads to this corruption, so I have been closing it whenever I am not actively looking at e-mail. Like right now. One of the e-mails I read was about the danger of parabens. It is in almost all of the personal care products on the market, including baby products. Read the ingredients. If any of them end with -paraben, it's in there. Parabens mimic estrogen, disrupt the endocrine system and throw your hormones out of whack.

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