Monday, March 15, 2010

Sewing in the rain

I got up early as usual to make the sandwich. But I couldn't resist going back to bed. I got on my computer for awhile, then went back to bed. Finally I realized that it was a rainy day and the dreary daylight did not have awakening effect I was looking for. I may also have a fear of not getting enough sleep. However, I did get ready with 5 minutes to spare. So I decided to take out the glass recyclables. It took more than 5 minutes, but I was still in time to meet Pam at the gate. We drove to the SPC. A lot of people showed up today. I gave my demo and it was well received by some, and considered way too complicated by others. However each person found a part of the process they could understand and do. Some did cutting, some the sewing and some the pressing. The Pfaff repair man was signed onto post today. He came to do maintenance and repair of any machines we brought in. They kept him quite busy. We broke for lunch, and didn't get much done after that. By 2:30 we had packed up and headed home. The rain had quit so I didn't get wet walking home. I spent some time on the computer entering my volunteer hours and then took a kitchen chair apart to take the staples out. When I had most of them out, I sent out an e-mail that this week's class would be on recovering chair seats. I also attached a before and after pic and located the fabric I intended to cover it with, just to be ready. After supper we watched a Jurassic Park movie, and then I worked on the armholes of my blue dress. Maybe tomorrow I will get to hem it.
**Here is a quilt Toniette made with the blocks she won in the January BOTM.**

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