Sunday, March 21, 2010

We'll miss you

We got up and went to church, even arriving a bit early. Last week I had decided not to wear a dress that matches Chris' tie, so I wore a red, orange, and brown dress. Well, for the first (and maybe last) time, he wore an orange tie. Ha! But at least they didn't ask us to collect the offering. After church we had a going-away party for Jack and Cathy. They get to move back to the U.S. The pastor had ordered a lot of food for the party. Of course we didn't eat it all but that's ok, someone took it all home. We left the church and stopped by GNC for some activated charcoal. It is supposed to be good for clearing toxins. Then off to the commissary for groceries, then home. We didn't have lunch because we ate at the church. In the afternoon, I got a call that the SPC won't be open tomorrow because it is a training holiday. So I called Cathy whose husband is a chaplain, but he doesn't have a key anymore. I gave it a lot of thought, and finally cancelled the meeting. It was tough, but if we can't get in, what can we do? After clearing e-mail, I worked on my dahlia quilt. I carefully cut out the pattern pieces while watching a documentary on Pierre Petit (the man who walked on a wire between the two world trade towers in the 70's). I got the center made and cut 3 sets of petals. I have four more sets to go. Choosing fabric is the hardest part. Chris made bison for supper and it was really good (as was the broccoli stir-fried in coconut oil). He and Michele watched several Lord of the Rings movies while playing games on their computer. Even though tomorrow is a training holiday, Chris is working. He is taking off Tuesday instead.

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