Saturday, March 13, 2010

Finally the voices talk to me

Today is Saturday, so no sandwiches are needed. Because I laid down in the computer room after blogging last night (to listen to a new Neuro session) I fell asleep and spent the night there. I got up when I heard Chris walking around. He and Michele often play with the 'voices' on Saturday mornings, but today Michele wasn't playing because it was a game her character had already played. So, I asked if I could play, since they always sound like they are having such fun. They said yes, so I had to come up with a character that fit in with the rules of the game. I ended up being a short librarian of the Phoenix clan with sewing skills and ability to shoot a bow. Just as the mod was starting, Debi called and needed a piece of yellow fabric for our block exchange. So I cut a piece and walked down to the gate. It was locked for the weekend, but I was able to slip it to her through the bars. Where were the guards? Gotta keep an eye on us quilters, we're dangerous. So, anyway, I missed the setup of the situation, but was able to join in as they were torturing someone for information.
It was an interesting game, being partly spoken and partly texted. And they used some odd form of math where 2k2 = 11 one moment and = 3 the next. But we lived to the end of the game, and brought some ultra heavy club back to the people who wanted it, although why they deserved it more than the people we took it from, I don't know. So I guess we won.
I spent the afternoon reviewing mp3's from the Silva method. We had leftovers for supper, and by then I had amassed a bunch of e-mails, so I had to deal with that. I find myself deleting as many as I read because most of them are just ads. Even most of the ones I read, I delete. I read on my cousins blog that her son had to go to the ER for an emergency appendectomy. Scary.

I didn't take any pics today, so here is one of the projects from Thursday night.

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