Tuesday, October 11, 2011

My last luncheon

I woke up at 8:15. I glanced at the alarm clock and realized that I was supposed to be at the DHL setting up the quilter's table right about now. So I showered, dressed, skipped breakfast, grabbed my quilts which I got out last night, and headed for post. I arrived around 9. Cathy was there, already set up. I dropped off my bra art, and I took her place so she could shop for fabric. Lynae arrived at 9:30 to take my place and I went to shop. When it was time to check out, I only had won, but he took it. And he gave me a pile of free packets, and let me pick out two more. He even gave me a 3 yard piece of minki. It was 10:30 so I went to the check-in table to see if there were any lunch spots left. She said yes but they only take dollars. I stopped by the quilters table and sold Cathy the minki, but still did not have enough for lunch. As I put my fabric down in the Naja ballroom, Ruth Ann gave me lunch money. So I paid for lunch, and went to the bank for cash to pay Ruth Ann back. Then I ran out to my car to deposit my bags of fabric. The luncheon theme was breast cancer awareness. There was pink in the centerpieces and pink wrapped around the chairs and of course, bra art. They had a speaker who was a breast cancer survivor. She told us her story. It seems more amazing that she survived chemotherapy and radiation. Mary and I cleaned up the quilter's table display. I wrote down the names of the people who signed up. I went home, wanting to stop and sit in the grass somewhere, but I was not dressed for it. I read through my e-mail, deleting much of it. I typed in the new names. I fixed the QOV. (Can you spot the mistake in the picture? ) I washed up a load of fabric, and partially dried it. Chris came home as I was laying it in the bedroom. I proceeded to press it dry one piece at a time while watching TV. By the time I was finished, Michele was home, and the two of them were watching The Last Starfighter. I sat with them 'till it was over. Chris went to bed and I fixed him a sandwich for tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

Either 2 columns are upside down
or the other 3 are.
AL from CA

Anonymous said...

So the red triangles are NOT suuposed to always be on the bottom of the block?
AL from CA