Sunday, June 2, 2013

A Day for Cleaning

Chris said the alarm went off at 7 but I didn't hear it. He woke me at 7:20. He took his shower, dressed, and went to the hotel lobby for breakfast. I posted to my blog, took a shower, and ate the apple and banana that Chris brought back from the hotel continental breakfast. He packed the car as I searched the room for items inadvertently left behind. He checked out and we were on our way. We stopped once to walk and he stopped for a burger and fries. We finished the book on CD and started the last of the four he borrowed from the library. We were only on the 2nd disc when we rolled into Huntsville. I fixed my usual breakfast for lunch. And then I got busy. I started by cleaning my bathroom, then Chris' bathroom, then the bathroom downstairs. I shoved the pile of empty boxes under the pingpong table. I brought up the packages that the rental management people brought in from the front porch. Chris got the mail. I swept the water out of the garage, and used the lawnmower in the backyard, inside the fence, and on both sides of the driveway. I trimmed the trumpet vine away from the mailbox so that the house number could be seen. I placed a small table on the front porch with a small quilt over it so the quilters will have no trouble spotting my house tomorrow. I cleared the diningroom table (not an easy task). I cleared clutter in the kitchen as well. And in the den. I swept the diningroom and den. I put a clean tablecloth on the table. I brought in the green table from the patio and covered it with a plastic tablecloth. I swept the porch. I packed the juicers back in their boxes, which went back on the shelves. Chris heated hamburgers for supper. I ate mine with some Amish cheese. Later we watched 2 episodes of Bones, when I was too tired to continue cleaning. But it is worth it. Even if no one shows up, I get a cleaner house out of the deal.
* This adorable pic came from Facebook, posted by Michele's roommate. (sniff) And I wasn't there. Happy Birthday, Michele! *

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