Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Tai chi

I did not want to get up this morning. Staying in bed was just so tempting. But getting up was essential to the plan for the day. My day started at 9. I read e-mail, exercised and found my smallest earrings. It seems I need to wear them 24 hours a day for awhile. Mirna called to say she has been making a quilt from the directions I wrote for my class. She said it was going well. I can't wait to see her results. After breakfast I watched tai chi videos on Youtube to prepare for class. I laid out in the sun. Then I pulled black-eyed susans from the garden. All but the hardiest get pulled so that the others may grow tall without competing for sunlight. I made some space to plant the two coleus and the begonia. i picked and ate cherry tomatoes, then quickly cleaned up for tai chi. The friends who attended with me last week did not show up. There were new ladies there so he spent over half the time in explanations. Again. I had an easier time following him since watching the videos. After class, I changed clothes and swept water out of the garage. I mowed inside the fence and in the front yard. After the battery ran down, I pulled weeds and trimmed the sidewalk and driveway. I pulled poison ivy from one flowerbed. I washed off again. I had fruit for supper. Chris came home while I was reading e-mail. He made himself the usual burrito. I cut a piece of the kneeler fabric to take to the fabric store. I also tried cutting the foam with a jigsaw, but the blade must be all wrong because it did not work at all. Chris sent me a link to an XKCD comic. When I returned to my laptop to get a coconut mayonnaise recipe, I found the link and followed it. After that, all I could do was read more of the comics. I admit that I did not understand all of them. I forgot all about the mayonnaise. Then Chris invited me downstairs to watch "Lincoln" from Netflix. I had heard it was quite the movie, but I had a hard time following it. The political intrigue was wasted on me. Chris said it seemed to fit all or most of the historical facts as he knew them. We topped off the evening with an episode of 3rd Rock. Then he went to bed.
* This is a quilt that Rebecca made and gave me because the colors don't go with her kitchen. *

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