Monday, June 17, 2013

Then and Now

I slept in again, until 9:30. But I was having a very memorable dream. I was trying to get to the sixth floor of a building, but every stairwell I tried was blocked somehow. My body was not ready to exercise, so I folded laundry first. For some reason I found myself holding our 22 anniversary photo next to our engagement photo and comparing them. Chris looked so young then and I was ... wearing lipstick. Then I exercised, and read e-mail while I ate breakfast. The holes in my ears are starting to close, so I put in a pair of earrings. I tried the french hooks, but the left one wouldn't go in. So I wore a regular pair. My lobes felt uncomfortable so I tapped. I washed an orange for lunch, and filled a water bottle, too. There was some leftover seaweed in the project box. I took my sewing supplies to the car, and drove to the church. Barbara had brought a big bouquet of hydrangeas in a vase. There was also a cake for Martha's birthday. I gave Mirna a top to quilt. Later it stormed and many ladies left. I stayed until 4, when I finished making and trimming the last block and realized that I hadn't brought the first blocks. The storm was over so going home was easy. I did not have to water the garden. I read e-mail and listened to an audio until Chris came home. He found a package for me. It turned out to be the zippers for the kneelers. Actually, it is one 10 yard zipper with 8 zipper pulls. He made himself a burrito and I made a large salad. I picked two cherry tomatoes and the top off of a wild lettuce stalk. After another round of e-mail, we went down to watch the rest of the season of Outsourced and one episode of 3rd Rock. We heard the critters come in around 9. After watching TV, Chris noticed that my ear has been bleeding. Then he went to bed. I am wondering if my ears will close up if I don't wear earrings to bed.

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