Friday, November 7, 2014

Back to circle one

I did not tap last night because I was so tired.  I just fell into bed.  Still, sleep eluded me for some time.  I did wake up surprised that I had slept through the night. I was kind of waiting for the alarm to sound, but when I did get up, it was after 9, so I missed it completely. 
   I turned on the router, but covered it with a pot, hoping that the wifi wouldn't get out and only the hardwired connection would work.  However, the pot made no difference.  When I came out to the kitchen, I saw lots of flies.  They are obviously breeding, but I can't tell where.  The only thing that came in from outside was the dirt I planted the carrot tops in.  I don't think it is wet enough to breed flies, but maybe it is.  I looked up how to get rid of flies, and went with some lavender oil and clove oil in a lid on the windowsill.  Since the time got so late, I decided to curtail the exercising.  A little stretching did not hurt though.  I juiced celery, alfalfa sprouts and salad greens and a persimmon.  I did not think there was enough for today and tomorrow so I juiced it all today.   I peeled an apple, ate the peels, and added the apple to the juicer. It was more palatable that way.  Little did I realize that there were two other packages of sprouts in the fridge that I wouldn’t find until later.  I spent my day researching mold inspection companies, and figuring out how to use the router as only a hub.  I unscrewed the antennas, but that only limited the range. I found the CD that came with the router, but it did not explain how to turn off the wifi function.  Finally I plugged the laptop into the modem and left the desktop unconnected.  I ate a duck egg, and noticed that the kitchen window was free of flies.  They had gathered at the den window. I cleaned out the vacuum cleaner cup, then turned off laptop and sucked out the dust from the fan (which had become quite noisy).  Actually I turned off the laptop just to stop the noise from the fan.  The doorbell rang. It was the cable guy was asking if we had a problem.  He had the wrong address, but I asked him about the router and he said I would have to go online and find the number and reset it from there.  I thanked him and he left.  I had already read about that on the internet, but wanted to do something easily and locally reversible so when it is inconvenient, it can be put back the way it was.  I loaded the dishwasher and ran it.  I put my thoughts on paper to get them out of my head where they are driving me crazy.  I went outside to rake in the side yard and inside the fence, just to get out of the house.  I found Master and Commander, a movie that Chris requested.  I kept looking after I found it just so that it would not be in the last place I looked.  Then I took it upstairs to put in the box of stuff I will send one day.  Then I worked on sri yantra.  I could not get the image I wanted from my laptop to the desktop, so I had to use a sample I found on the desktop.  I printed it to use to audition possible borders, but the image was too big.  So I opened it in Paint to reduce it and erase the existing border in the photo.  I printed it and cut out the image, and held it up against possible circular borders.  I chose one and was working out the math when Chris skyped me.  He had watched a sad movie, but did not tell me about it since I have it in my queue.  We talked about the Pinehurst house, and about how great the job in Kwajulein would have been.  Finally he was falling asleep and needed to go to bed.   After he hung up, it was my turn to think about going to bed, and where (weather report says 35 tonight).
*  This is the back of one of the panel quilts  *

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