Monday, November 10, 2014

Hidden USB port

Last night I went to bed in the tent.  I should have worn a coat, but with my sweat pants, under shirt and sweatshirt, I was fine when I went out there.  I put on my headphones to listen to meditations.  I dozed but I don’t think I ever fell asleep before I ‘woke up’ to the fact that I was cold and had to go to the bathroom.  Somehow I slept then because I dreamt that I was in a tent, cold and had to go.  I found a jar and peed in it, then went back to sleep.  But then I woke up again and that last part hadn’t happened.  I wanted to go in, but could not face getting out from under the covers.  So I tapped, and tapped.  And when I did up, I wasn’t cold, or at least it did not bother me.  I just went in the house and spent the rest of the night in bed.
I heard the alarm go off at 8, but did not get up until later, which turned out to be 8:45.  I drank water, started my laptop, and started exercising.  Then I got sidetracked clipping my toenails and plunging the toilet.  I resumed exercise, and checked some e-mail.  I wore Michele’s hiking shoes outside to rake leaves in backyard for the sun exposure to reset my day/night cycle.  I noticed holes in the grass where some critter was digging.  I did not bless the little varmint.  I juiced, and listened to an audio.  When I was cleaning up the juicer, I got a long call from Denise.  It was noon by then, so I packed a lunch and left w/o breakfast.  I drove to quilting.  I ate lunch with the ladies.  I showed  Doris the two quilt labels and she paid me for them,  but I brought them back for more trimming.  I talked to Jodi about Friday and she wants me there at 9 to help set up.  I worked on the blue Linus quilt.  I machine-stitched over the handstitching.  I left after 4 with Lauri and Carolyn, driving Chris’ car.  Thankfully I did not have to stop at the light going up the hill.  I was able to careen around the corner in third.  When I got home, I made and ate breakfast and checked e-mail.  I also checked the tent, rearranging the covers.   I looked into an air sanitizer unit, checking out the reviews on that site and on Amazon.  Then Chris skyped me for 2.5 hour.  That must have been to make up for yesterday.  At his request, I scanned bills to send.  I tried to use a thumbdrive on old computer, but it could not find an appropriate driver.  After the call, I ate supper – sweet potato and cheese.  I nailed up a ceiling tile in the sewing room.  The nail did not go in far because I couldn’t hit well over my head.  Not enough strength in the old triceps.  I opened the packages I found by the front door: Swansons, and fermented skate oil. Then I tapped with a Brad Yates video.  Finally I posted to my blog and went to bed.

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