Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Too cold tonight

I went to bed in the tent (and the rain).  The sound of the rain made it even more difficult to tell what sounds I was hearing.  I swear something was trying to scratch its way into the tent.  Thoughts like that made it difficult to sleep.  But I did.  I woke up once but did not have to get up.  Then I slept until after 7.  I came inside then and fired up the laptop and juiced 4 lemons.  I drank some lemon water and jumped on the rebounder.  I put the lemon peels in a pot to boil.  I exercised and drybrushed.  I printed out the coffee detox. I listened to several audios.  When my laptop made the low battery sound, I plugged it back in within a minute, but it had already shut down.  There should have been more time.  The local rental agent called, returning my call.  I mentioned the electrical check up, and  she said she would mention it to the owner, but that whoever came would recommend having the whole house rewired.  I also mentioned having the air ducts cleaned at my expense.  She said I should send her the bill and she would pay it. I made an appointment for Tuesday with the air duct people.  I made a mental note to move furniture away from the ducts.  Later Durham called, and asked about trimming the yard.  He gave me his e-mail address, and I sent him Parker’s e-mail and that she wanted a detailed estimate.  When I finished with the coffee, I juiced.  I made double because I missed juicing yesterday and will miss it again on Friday.  I finished a Donna Eden audio from yesterday.  Sometimes I feel overwhelmed with all the audios that come in each day.  I would say there are at least 6 and I delete most of them.
  Denise called to say we were back on for this afternoon.  i finished cleaning the juicer, and packed my gym bag.  I drove to the Arsenal to the gym.  I sat in the sauna drinking water and doing Sudoku puzzles.  I did some stretches at first to get the sweat going.  At 3 I came out and took a shower.  Then I dressed and combed my hair.   I went to front of building to meet Denise, and put bag in my car.  We drove to a parking lot across the street.  I let her borrow my magnesium oil.  Then we walked and talked. We passed tree where little plums were smooshed on the ground, but on closer examination, they were small persimmons.  We knocked some out of the tree, to eat and to save as  seeds.  After 2 miles, we stopped to go to the bathroom, then walked back.  We went our separate ways.   When I got home, I brought in the mail, hung up my wet stuff, and put some heart in the toaster oven.  Then I remembered breakfast.  So I made breakfast, and ate most of it by the time the timer went off.  But the oven wasn’t plugged it, so the beef was still cold.  I plugged it in and reset the timer.  When it was done, I ate as much as I could and put the rest back in the fridge.  It was time to go pick up Roz.  But she called while I was brushing my teeth and said she was canceling.  So I changed my shirt and then went to choir practice.  When Jennifer asked about Roz, I said that she did not want to drive at night so I told her to walk.  Jen did not buy that for a second.  Practice went well.  Afterward, the pastor asked me about buying fabric for the SS kids to make blankets.  The task was his and he did not know what to get or how much to get, only that he could not spend more than $10 per blanket.  The intern came along and she knew they wanted fleece.  So we discussed options for buying sale fleece or cheap fleece blankets.  When I got home, Chris wasn’t on yet, so I went online to look up fleece.  For a 5’ by 6’ blanket, we would need 4 yards each, so $2.50/yard.  Only place had it that cheap and they wanted almost half again in shipping.  Joanns had something close, but not more than 2 or 3 yards of each color.  When Chris got in, he skyped me, and we talked.  Then he signed off, and I went on looking, but finally decided to quit and blog.  Since the temp is expected to drop to 20, I think I will stay inside tonight.
*  This is my little bed in the tent.  *

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