Monday, May 7, 2018

A visit to the chiropractor requires a big adjustment

I heard Chris get up and get ready for work. I stayed in bed for what seemed a long time, in and out of sleep. But when I got up, it was only 7am. I sewed two patches that had been lying on my sewing machine for yesterday (oops). Then I turned on the router. I washed the remaining strawberries and put them on a cookie sheet in the freezer. Then I melted a cube of lemon in a quart of water. I drank it while listening to the next episode of Bible Health Secrets: don't eat scavengers, Egyptians were dying of modern diseases, purchasing the DVD's today helps Eyes For India – a doctor who performs hundreds of cataract surgeries a day for $75 each (includes transportation and three days of care for the patient). Cloven hooves allow parasites to enter the animal. Rest is important. One woman said that learning to keep the Sabbath as a day of rest saved her life, less stress.
I went out back to check on the plants. The peace lily had too much water, so I took the plastic pot out of the ceramic one so it could drain. The small plants from Lowes were dry so I watered them. Then I got dressed and left a little early for Dream Maker. The store was closed, however Melissa said to meet her there. There were men working on the parking lot so I parked where they said, then sat on the porch to wait. Eventually she drove up a driveway on the other side of the store. Why hadn't I seen it? She must have come in the back of the store. She opened the front door to let me in. She showed me to her room. All I needed to take off were my shoes. I laid on the bed and she sat at the head of it. She held points on the back of my head, then on my feet, then on my hands. It was some sort of energetic warm-up to running my bars. We talked about what 'running the bars' meant. I think there were 30+ of them and she held sets of them for some amount of time. She was able to name them as she 'ran' them. I thought it would require concentration on her part, but we talked the whole time – over an hour. She said my 'hopes and dreams' bar was especially active. We did some Access Conciousness statements during that time, too. She said I might feel dizzy later or have pains appear in my head, but nothing happened. I paid afterward and went on to quilting.
Lunch was over when I got there, and ladies were leaving. A few stayed a bit longer, but by 2:15 I was alone, working on the red project. I stayed till after 2:30 then cleaned up, put the iron and mat away, then packed my stuff and headed out to my car. I went to see the chiropractor. He told me stories from his dating history. Eventually he got around to asking what hurt. I told him my neck was tight and that I was grinding my teeth and chewing on my tongue. I said something must be out of alignment. He told me to see a dentist and get a night guard. But then, he muscle-tested points on my face and neck. He had me lie back and he gave my head a sharp twist. I hate that grinding sound! And the feeling of danger! It was a big adjustment – the biggest one I have had so far according to him. I did not feel like clenching my teeth anymore, so I guess it worked. I also mentioned insomnia, but when he said where he would put the needles, I decided that it wasn't so bad after all.
I paid at the front desk, made an appointment for Wednesday (at his request) and went home. Chris was already there, but still changing his clothes from work. I sat at my laptop and caught up on e-mail. I listened to one interview. The speaker mentioned making magnesium water out of carbonated water and Phillips Milk of Magnesia. He said there was a recipe on his site.
When the talk ended, I went for a walk. Then I put a bowl of beef and soup and mushrooms in the toaster oven. I wore a sock of cold rice around my neck and read e-mail until it was ready. I listened to an interview until Chris' phone alarm rang. We watched Lucifer, then an episode of Inspector Lynley. I took my evening supplements and Chris made his sandwich. Then I typed up my blog so I could go to bed.
* This is what Dinah was working on. *

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