Sunday, May 20, 2018


I was up until midnight washing out the fabric balls. I hated to waste the dye in the bags so I saved it. I left the 18 balls of dyed fabric lying on plastic bags (to protect the countertop) and went to bed. The next morning I got up about 8. I took my shower and got dressed. I sewed two patches together and then read e-mail while Chris and Herberth got ready for church. After they left, I listened to an interview. I forgot the time and all of a sudden jumped up to leave. I forgot to put in my earrings and fix my hair. I just picked up my purse and left.
I drove to church and walked immediately to the front of the sanctuary to join the choir already assembled. We sang through the anthem several times and then an long involved Amen. I hit the restroom and got a bulletin. I sat in my usual front row seat with Don. That's when it hit me that the paraments were ones that I made. The church looked nice all decorated in red.
There were lots of announcements before the service. Then it began. The choir sang after the first prayer and did well. We also sang the long Amen before the last hymn. And then it was over. I greeted the couple behind me since they were new. I told Cecelia she did a great job playing flute for the anthem. She said the magnesium was helping her sleep. Then she wanted to introduce me to her friend. The lady turned out to be a recent college graduate, who was very entertaining. Hopefully another new person to join our church. I showed my tick bite to Susan and she said to go to a walk-in clinic. Then Barbara looked at it and said to go to her house and let her husband take a look at it. I decided to just go home.
On the way home, I stopped at the ATM for cash for the week. I also took a stroll through Michaels, looking for sharp tweezers, but did not find what I wanted. So I went home. I made and ate breakfast. I rinsed out some of the fabric balls from last night. They were bleeding color again. Sigh. I looked up how to use Synthrapol, which Jennifer had given out yesterday. Then I put some hot water in an big bowl and added a little bit of the Synthrapol. I soaked the lightest colored balls of fabric. Then I listened to an interview.
The sky was looking a little dark, but I decided to go for a walk anyway. I put on long pants and my light blue windbreaker thinking it was water proof. I headed out to see the flowers blooming in the woods. The rain hit, but it wasn't too bad – at first. I walked into the forest and took pics of the amaryllis and the small blue irises. Then I started running back home. I passed a police car sitting in the middle of the road. He seemed to be looking at something on his phone. I was thoroughly soaked by then, including my fanny pack which contained my phone and check book. When I finally got back to the house, Chris was home from taking Herberth to Tuscaloosa. He helped me strip off all my wet clothes, but I had to get dressed by myself. Thankfully my phone was unhurt.
He finished hard boiling some eggs and I washed out the fabric soaking in Synthrapol. I set each one down separately and put the next color in, adding hot water. I listened to an interview on growing tomatoes. The tips I picked up were: play Sonic Bloom because plants prefer the music of stringed instruments, best played in the morning before 10. Ducks are good slug patrol in the garden. Companion plantings help: carrots, parsley, etc., but not potatoes or pole beans.
When the rain stopped, we went to Pubix for groceries. We called Marie to see if Kurt could come on one of the days we will be visiting her and Michele. She said they had been meaning to invite him something. At Publix, we got food and also got a pair of sharp tweezers. When we got home, we put the groceries away. Chris used the tweezers to probe the tick bite, but I could only stand so much, and called a halt to the project. I did a little probing of my own but did not find a tick head.
I washed out the next batch of fabrics. Chris called Kurt to find out which day he preferred. I drained out the water and put in clean hot water and more Synthrapol. I read e-mail and listened to an interview until Chris was ready to watch TV. We watched another episode of Inspector Lynley. Then I rinsed out the fabric soaking in the Synthrapol. I tried rinsing fabrics from earlier and this time there was no color coming out. Then I sat down to write my blog and listen to more of the audio I paused. I was so ready for bed.

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