Friday, May 18, 2018

Matchmaker me

I got up around 8 and put on clothes. I went to the living room to whipstitch some facing on the doublet. The router was already on and Chris was using it. I deleted some e-mail and put on some interviews from the Beyond Chemo series. While I listened, I took out the topstitching in the sleeves and whipstitched the sleeve facings to the main facing. Herberth wanted to meet my friend Leanne so I called her and set up a time to meet at the front gate. Herberth and Chris went shopping. They came back with a set of guitar strings and more beer. There were groceries, too, and apparently some were missing. They went back to the store to get them. I looked up how to replace guitar strings and did the low E which was broken. I tried to tune the guitar with the piano. Herberth picked up the guitar and strummed and adjusted pegs, but it still did not sound right. He told me that his friend tunes his guitar. (Now he tells me). He got ready for his date while I tried replacing the other strings. Then Leanne called to say she had arrived early. So I drove him to the gate. They introduced themselves and seemed to hit it off, so I went home. I replaced one more string and had some lunch. I decided not to replace them all at once because it was very wearing on the wrists.
I went to the Korean naturopath. She was happy to see me. I showed her the tick bite and said I wanted the detox foot bath. She stuck an acupuncture needle in the tick bite. Her husband got the bowl of hot water. I put my feet in and he put the ionizer in. While it ran, she sat in a chair opposite me and told me about the wonders of argan oil, especially the one she sells because it is pure, whereas others are not. But she wanted $50 for a one months supply. She put some on my itchy ear and said it was good for age spots and dark circles under the eyes. My ear had stopped itching, but I still thought $50 was an awful lot. Then she told me of the wonders of onion juice. She showed me posters of the $15000 machine that makes the onion extract. She wanted $100 for 50 packets. Too rich for my blood. She asked me how she could get Obamacare. I told her I didn't know and we talked about insurance. Then she said she wanted to hire a licensed massage therapist but did not know how to find one. I couldn't help her with that, either. When the ionizer was done, she took a pic and he brought over the foot massager and the shoulder massager. He removed the needle from my wrist and she applied argan oil to it. 15 minutes later the massages were over. As I went to pay, I asked about what caused the itching. He asked what my source of protein was. I mentioned nuts and chicken and beef. He said no chicken and only a hand-sized piece of beef once a week. I did not promise anything.
After paying and thanking her, I went home. It was raining. I looked up how to apply for Obamacare. I went to the website, but it didn't work. I finished the handsewing on the doublet, and started sewing on the Velcro. Then Leanne called to say she was bringing him back to post. I went to the gate to get him, and read a book until they showed up. They seemed to have had a good time at Lowe Mill.
I drove Herberth back to our place. He was very talkative, as usual. I went in the living room and replaced the last three strings, but one kept coming loose. I decided I would have to take it to the store where they got the strings. Chris pulled steaks from the oven. I put ingredients in the bread machine, and started listening to another interview as I jotted notes for my blog. When the baked potatoes came out, we ate the steaks at the dining room table.
Daylight was fading, but I went for a walk anyway. I tried to stay ahead of the bugs. When I got back, I listened to a few minutes of a paused interview, then paused it again. We watched an episode of inspector lynley. Then it was time for bed. Chris took the loaf of bread from the machine and put it in the fridge. My ear itched again while I typed up my blog. I guess the argan oil wasn't the panacea she said it was.
* That's one way to treat a tick bite. *

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