Friday, November 5, 2021

An answer to prayer: the house passed inspection


I tried to get up around 7:30. It did not go well on my own. I called out to Chris and he tried to help me by arranging things for me to lower my feet to the floor. But my back spasmed every time I tried. So he went to EMS and got a back board. He laid it in bed next to me and I levered myself onto it. Then he slid it to the bottom of the bed and the foot lowered to the floor. He raised the head of it and then I was vertical! I was so happy. But then I went to the bathroom and had another spasm trying to get up. I walked around the house with a walker. Chris helped me get dressed. Then I took my phone and a handbag with a contract and walked to my 9am meeting. I was hoping to drive, but clearly sitting was a bad idea.

On the way Jaimie called for an update. I talked to her most of the way so I did not have a chance to call the Housing people and tell them I would be late. They were waiting when I got there. We all signed the contract and the man paid me. One guy walked me back to the shed to see what was in it. Garbage. But anyway, we concluded business and they drove away as I walked away. One man stopped to offer me a ride, which I had to decline. He told me they would replace the floor so not to kill myself cleaning it.

I went by Housing to schedule an inspection for the Valdez house on Monday. When I got home, Chris was in a meeting. I had a drink, then picked up some DVD's and walked to the library. Melissa chatted with me for some time. I told her about Chris' interview today and she said they would be stupid not to hire him. She also said she has a rug shampooer if I need to borrow it.

From there I went to the post office to pick up the mail. There was also a heavy package. I had to leave it there for Chris. When I got home, I made breakfast and ate it perched on the edge of a chair. I listened to Chris answer the first two questions of his interview. Then I walked up to Rusty's house with the keys.

I started taking pictures in case we disagreed on whether the house was up to par. When I heard the people drive up, I walked out so they would know I was there. They came in and took a bunch of pictures. I pointed out the stuff I was unable to scrub off. The lady admitted that the house was above standard. She asked that I call Maintenance about the broken stuff so that fixing those things would not come out of their budget. She said the carpet in the den would have to be replaced because of the pet smell. Since she knew this beforehand, why did I have to spend so much time cleaning it? My prayers were answered and the house passed inspection. I walked to Housing to turn in the keys.

I formalized my list of things that needed fixing and called them in. Chris thought that didn't sound right, so he contacted one of his team and had someone else deal with that. I checked my blog to see what hours I and others worked on the house. It came out to 80 hours which is $10/hour. I put each person's share in an envelop.

I listened to The Highwire: vaccine victims told their story, one lady in the trial spoke about how she had adverse reactions and reported it, but no one would listen. She filed a VAERS report but it was deleted. Her info was deleted from the trial results since she was unable to take the second dose. Her husband spoke to the committee to recommend for children, urging them to not approve it. Kids will be getting an outdated vaccine which is for the strain that went around last year. None of the doctors on the CDC committee who recommended vaccine for kids, actually treat patients. There are no randomized trials using the delta variant. So any reports of safety and efficacy are for the original strains or legacy variants. Same viral load of delta in vaccinated vs unvaccinated. So vaccination will not provide a safer work place. What helps is that people are more likely to stay home if they are sick. You get more spike protein from the shot than from the infection.

I drove to Jenni's house. I paid her and Diane for cleaning Rusty's house. We walked around the block, then stood chatting for a bit. And we went home. I listened to the rest of The Highwire, and a few short videos. I posted about the sewing class for Saturday.

Then I made tea and we watched two episodes of Warehouse 13 which came in the mail. Chris paused it several times to talk. We were both falling asleep. I got up to use the bathroom and check e-mail. Then posted to my blog and got ready for bed.

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