Monday, November 29, 2021

Back in the raw


We slept in a little. I got up to brush my teeth and clean up in the kitchen. I washed most of the dishes in the sink. I got a spasm while putting casserole dishes in the bottome of the dishwasher. As I worked, I listened to an interview:

Antibodies can only react to what is already inside of you, as opposed to t-cells which act as gate guards. T-cells have long-lasting memory. Antibodies cannot prevent infection. Mrna in shots instruct cells to make spike proteins which leads to antibody production. The number of dentritic cells (which stimulate t-cells) drops after the shot, hampering your immune system. The number of t-cells drops as well. Remaining t-cells are trained to recognize only spike from the original strain, so will miss variants. Boosters create more original spikes, which leads to more useless antibodies that can't recognize variants.

After I cleaned up in the kitchen, I made more seed crackers mix. I took a shower and got dressed. We went to church. I was supposed to read and then light the first Christmas candle. But I was too short to reach it at the proper angle, so the chaplain lit it for me before the service. During the service, I just walked up to the candle wreath, read the 3 paragraphs and sat down. We sang songs, had a sermon, and sang one more song. People congratulated Chris on getting the garrison manager job. I talked to Eileen for quite some time and then we went home.

I changed clothes and made breakfast. Chris got a bite to eat and gamed with the voices. I read e-mail and articles all afternoon. Faye called, and I talked to her until I suddenly discovered it was 4:30. I jumped in the car and went to the school. Diane, Jenni and Grace were waiting for me. We walked around the block talking. I told them to pray for the sauna, that Chris would read the articles I sent him and allow it to be open. Diane gave me a small piece of cake that she made.

When I got back, Chris made himself two turkey sandwiches. I had some turkey with cranberry sauce. Later we split the cake. I had one bite and decided it was too sweet. A man came by with a half gallon of raw goat milk. I paid him, then I searched high and low until I found the kefir grains. I soaked them in filtered water, hoping they were not too old and dried out. I listened to an interview with an attorney who wants people to file charges of crimes against humanity with local courts against those who contributed to the development of Sarscov2, like Baric, Fauci, Shi Zhengli and others.

I made tea and we watched four episodes of Big Bang Theory. I looked through pom pom projects online, hoping to find one that also had a sewing component. Then we made the bed with fresh sheets. I posted to my blog and we went to bed.

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