Saturday, November 27, 2021

The vinegar gel


I got up, drank some water and brushed my teeth. I swished while listening to an interview with a funeral director in London talking about how deaths of babies are up 10x, most deaths are in younger people now. Only one person this year had covid on their death certificate. Dr. is seeing shorter onset of symptoms in vaccinated children. Vaccine affects the immune system. Only tested in 2000 kids followed for almost 2 months. It is definitely not for those with auto-immune conditions.

I looked at Black Friday sale e-mails and ordered a carpet cleaner. I went to the MR house at 10:20 to check on the science experiments. The water in the toilet was below the ring, so the cleaner in the water wasn't in contact with the ring. I kept experimenting with other recipes. Baking soda with rubbing alcohol seemed to help with the tub. Jamie came with more cleaners to try. We talked for awhile, then she worked on the tub and I worked on the kitchen cabinets.

I left about 12:45. I made and ate breakfast. Chris pulled up one of the carrots in the grow bag. I dug up the ginger. Although it had sprouted and been a thriving plant all summer, the root was no larger than when I planted it. Then we went to the commissary because Chris didn't want to drive all the way to Tooele unless I had to have something the commissary didn't have.

I read e-mail most of the afternoon. I cooked up some vinegar gel and took it to the MR house. I spread it on the toilet ring with an old toothbrush. I checked upstairs and the bathroom was so clean it looked new. I cleaned some baseboards. I got home around 6. I texted Jamie about what good a job she did. Chris had supper in the oven for me. He was cooking cranberries on the stove.

At 8:30, I posted to my blog and made tea. We watched two episodes of Warehouse 13, which came on a DVD from Netflix. I nearly fell asleep, so Chris propelled me to bed. I put on my headphones and drifted off. I got up once during the night, but otherwise slept well.

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