Sunday, October 9, 2022

40th class reunion


It was a long night trying to get to sleep. I got up around 8 EST, having been awake for some time. I brushed and swished. I watched a video on making a tiny stove with a paint can filled with alcohol-soaked toilet paper. I got dressed for walking and watched part of an interview with RFK jr.

I walked 2 miles with Al. I read e-mail, then showered and ate lunch with the others. I read e-mail for a bit. Then we went to Chris' 40th class reunion: class of '82.

It was held at the local art center. The room in the back was lightly decorated, with a small buffet. One wall was opened so we could socialize outside if we wished. There were drinks out there. We milled about, trying to make conversation. There was a slide show of pics from the yearbook. We got food and sat outside with others and chatted. Then we all went inside to listen to some announcement. After more chatting, the class of '82 gathered for a photo. I got some more cheese, and looked at pics in an adjoining room. There was a list of people they weren't able to contact. I wondered if they had looked the names up on Facebook. Then we headed out to the parking lot. We talked to some people getting ready to tour the new high school, but Chris didn't want to go.

On the way home, William called. He and Karen were a week early at the reception place for the wedding. When I got home, I texted Michele with Karen's address. But later she said she'd already sent one to that address.

Chris and Cecily made soft tacos for supper. I just ate innards, and rice and salad. We talked all through the meal and beyond. Then I went to the den to play a few rounds of Wordle. I gave up and read e-mail and watched short videos. Then I jotted some notes for today and posted for yesterday.

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