Saturday, October 1, 2022

Shopping and cleaning


We slept in. I got up first. I got myself ready, then went to the company house to put the sheets in the washing machine. It took longer than usual to round up the sheets and towels. Some were dingy so I soaked them in the kitchen sink. I also put toilet bowl cleaner in the bathrooms.

Then I went home. I read e-mail. I unlocked the swap shop for Jenni. Chris and I got into a discussion about me asking how many episodes were on the DVD. Then it was time to go back. I put the sheets in the dryer and the towels in the washer. I went to the garden and everything was mostly fine. When I got home, I made cheese squares and read articles.

At noon, I went back again, to put the towels in the dryer. I texted Jamie about meeting at 4. I made and ate breakfast. I waited while Chris checked on something, then we went to Tooele. We shopped at Luckey's and Melanie's, then went home, getting back around 3:45.

I ate some crispy edges of the cheese squares, then went to the company house to clean. Jamie was there already, working in the bathrooms. We dressed the beds, then I cleaned the kitchen. I dusted, vacuumed the floors and mopped. We left at 6. I paid Jamie for helping me and she went home. I too, went home, and made a salad from what I found outdoors and in the fridge.

I listened to a podcast on excess deaths. They were much higher in 2021 than in 2020. Then I worked on my blog. I made tea and we watched one episode of Pickard and one of Firefly. Then I put together an order from Vital Choice to use points that expire but they expired before I finished the order. Still, I was able to get a discount.

Then my computer stopped working so I went to bed.

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