Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Home to Utah


Chris' alarm went off at 6am, which was 4am Utah time. He took a shower while I tried to go back to sleep. He got me up at 7. I washed up and got dressed. As soon as daylight appeared, he got in the truck and I got in the Olds. I followed him to my Dad's house. There was traffic, but mostly not too bad.

I parked the Olds in the driveway and went inside to drop off the key. Chris put some stuff from the back seat in the truck. Patrick was not up. Chris came in to use the bathroom. Then we rode back in the truck. Although it is older than the Olds, it has a CD player vs the tape player in the car.

When we got back, I added the chimes and wool fabric to my suitcase. Chris gave me the tomatoes and pomegranates from the fridge. They did not fit so I had to rearrange. I also finalized my carry-on and took one last look around in case anything was forgotten. Then I jotted notes for my blog.

At 9:15, we packed up our laptops. The van pulled up in the driveway and we moved our luggage out there. I sat in the backseat while the men loaded the luggage. Then the man drove us to the airport. We got out and rolled our belongings inside to the check-in counter. We dropped off the suitcases and got tickets. Then we went through Security.

We found seats at the gate near an outlet, but the sun coming in the window whited out the screens. I walked to the restroom, and spotted a charging station. So I moved my laptop there and read e-mail. Chris alerted me when we were called to board. Being in first class, we boarded a little early. (it seems like boarding would go faster if they started with the last zone and worked forward.)

As we flew to Atlanta, I read, then watched Jurassic World because Chris was watching it. I wasn't able to finish it before we landed. When we got to Atlanta, we went straight to the boarding line. When we got on the plane, I pulled up Jurassic World and continued it from where I left off. I finished the movie and watched another one. Then we landed in SLC. We went to the carousel. It was kind of mesmerizing to watch all that luggage go round and round.

We picked up our luggage and walked out the door, through the covered garage to the open parking lot. Our car was at the back. Chris loaded the bags and we drove to the exit. He paid over $300 for long term parking. Yikes. Then he drove us to Dugway, listening to a book on CD. He had to refresh my memory since I had totally forgotten what came before. My mind wasn't really on it, however.

When we got home, we unpacked the car. I unpacked my suitcases. I watered some plants. I could see, even in the dark, that the gophers had a field day while I was gone. I hung the chimes on a shepherd's hook near the gopher holes. I moved the tower garden close to the house to protect it from the cold. I vacuumed the rust of the chimes from the suitcase, then put it away.

Michelle texted, and then came over. We went walking and I caught all the latest happenings, plus I got to vent. After an hour and a half, we stopped at her car, but kept chatting. It got cold so we called it quits at 10.

Then I worked on e-mail while Chris went to bed. Later I made my blog post, and went to bed, too.

* I take issue with this man's premise that if he lives or dies after vaccination, then its either safe or dangerous for everyone else. *

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