Monday, November 7, 2022

DnD game #2


We got up early according to the new time. We changed the clocks to reflect that. Chris turned on the router and I read e-mail and watched health videos.

At noon I made breakfast, then rushed to get dressed and went to the chapel with my trombone. I put snacks on the back table and got my trombone ready. Sgt Kent (the therapy dog) greeted me. I talked to the chaplain who was there with his boys. Michelle came and sat with me. We had praise songs, then the sermon, and then I played hymns that people chose.

Michelle stayed after the service to sing with some others. I went home, and finished a podcast. I changed to regular clothes. I ate the rest of the steak. Faye called to talk about estate stuff. Chris made some rice. We put antifreeze in our cars. I put the wheelbarrow almost away, but it was 5 so I came inside to join the DnD game. Chris mixed rice in with the steak juice and I ate that.

In the game, we went to a crypt in the graveyard and got some magical items, then went back to the professor's house. The next day we greeted some girls playing jumprope and singing a disturbing song. We also went to the local temple and asked to look at records of the fire that broke out at the prison.

It was over at 8. I posted to my blog and made tea. We watched an episode of Pickard and one of The Librarians. Later Chris went to bed, and I stayed up until 11, then retired as well.

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