Tuesday, November 8, 2022

There was no answer


I woke up seeing some daylight and hearing Chris in the shower. I waited until after he left to get up. I brushed and swished. I heard the wind whipping the chimes something fierce. I started sneezing over and over, so I made a bottle of rinse and irrigated to get rid of the irritant.

Chris left a pile of socks in my sewing room and said he needed some for the rest of the week. I sewed 5 pairs of socks, and left the rest as unusable. I listened to podcasts. Chris came home for lunch. I made and ate breakfast.

I went to see a house for a quote, but no one answered the door. I went home and watched videos on Christmas ornaments for class. Faye called about estate stuff - seems to be going well. I watched a podcast on the dangers of radiation from ultrasound - more dangerous than a chest x-ray to the fetus, especially if the roller isn't kept in motion.

I put up the wheelbarrow and some other stuff and brought in the lawn mower battery. I walked with the ladies at the gym. I talked to Tonja afterward, then went home. I nebulized with silver to curtail the sneezing. I listened to a podcast. I ate an egg, then made a salad, picking spinach from the tower garden, plus some carrot tops and fresh rosemary.

Chris came home from work late. We talked about the man not answering the door and Chris said they could make a wellness check. Then he made his supper and washed the socks I mended this morning. I nebulized again because the sneezing came back. I made tea and we watched two episodes of The Librarians. Chris went to bed, and I stayed up till 11:30 listening to a podcast, then hit the hay and slept well.

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