Sunday, November 20, 2022

Placemat day


We got up late. I washed up and got dressed. I puttered in the kitchen. I scraped squash from the leftover rind. Chris gave me a coconut oil massage, then took his shower and went to the colonel's house. I cut fusible for the placemat class. I made a sample project. I cut fronts and backs. Tonja texted that she wasn't feeling well and would stay home. Bummer: she's the most experienced seamstress and brings machines and cutting boards.

It was after 12 till I finished cutting and gathering fabrics. I started breakfast and Chris came back from the commissary. He bought me melatonin. At 1:30, he helped me get three machines in my car. We went to the chapel and he brought them in. I set up the machines and put out the fabrics. I was both hoping for a good turnout, but afraid of a great turnout.

Saronna came in with her three kids. And all three wanted to make the project, even the 5yr old boy. Isadora came with them. Also Jenni came and a new lady whose name I cannot remember even though I heard it several times.

I had a hard time keeping up with everyone. They had to share three machines. I did most of the cutting and all of the machine re-threading, etc. At one point, the younger ones went to play while the machines were busy. One foot pedal just stopped working. ???

When the adults finished, they wanted something else, so two of them made tissue holders and Isadora made a bookmark. So the session went long. Jenni was last to leave and she helped me clean up. I had to call Chris to carry the last machine because it was so heavy. On the way home, I unlocked the swap shop for Tiffany.

When we got home, we brought all the stuff inside. Chris made brownies from scratch and asked me to call Michele and find out if she wanted pecans on hers. I had a nice chat with her. They are getting ready for their flight here tomorrow morning. I had the turkey leg for supper and sweet potato casserole. I thought it would be good with chocolate, so I ground up some cacao nibs to mix with the last bite. MMMM!

I worked on my blog after listening to an interview. I made tea and we watched two episodes of The Librarians. Then I listened to an interview while playing Solitaire until time to go to bed.

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