Saturday, April 8, 2023

Signing early for a house


I got up at 8, having slept fairly well. I got ready for the day. I changed the water in the rootings. I sat down to read e-mail. I learned that putting lemon oil in hot tea is good for detox, and myrrh oil is for detoxing liver and excess estrogen. Another interview mentioned Longitudinal interferometry (whatever that is). He said seeds will germinate better if the electrical field is centripetal.

I put the fabric from the thrift store in the washer. I filled out a cleaning contract, and wrote a check to church. I made breakfast, and put on The Highwire. After Chris left, I set up the ironing board and ironed as I listened.

When finished, I took the cleaning contract to the house on second street. I parked next door in Saronna's driveway because the moving truck was in the way. The Housing people weren't there yet. So I chatted with the resident and her mother. When the ladies arrived, we chatted with them. Then we signed the cleaning contract and postdated it for Saturday.

I put the money and keys in an envelop. We chatted a bit more, then I went home. I wasn't home for long. In 10 minutes, I had to leave for the gym. I signed up for the trip to the hot springs later this month. Then I walked the track with Diane. And we chatted. Afterward, I went home.

It was too nice a day to stay inside, so I got a plastic bag and went walking around picking up trash. Finally I found myself at the swap shop. I walked in with Jeff, Tonja's husband. I noticed lots of new stuff. I mentioned a freezer that was outside our neighbor's house, so Jeff drove us over there. He looked at it, but said the hinges were bent and it was not worthy of the swap shop. So I thanked him for bringing me home. He went back to the swap shop.

I resumed listening to The Highwire's interview with Neal Degrasse Tyson. Chris came home from work with a pizza. He told me he wants me to attend a tribal gathering in two weeks. Actually he wants me to attend a two-day event that the garrison is hosting this year. Sigh.

I finished that interview and listened to shorter audios while piecing puzzles. I heated some beef and rice for supper and ate some salad fixings. Then I worked on my blog.

I made tea and we watched two episodes of SG-1. Later he went to bed, and then I got ready, did my stretches, and hit the hay.

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