Saturday, April 15, 2023

Too much back and forth


I got up at 8:30, and got ready for the day. I mended two pairs of pants, one belonging to the colonel. Two pair of Chris' I deemed unfixable - a waste of good patching fabric.

I texted Jamie, then went to the second street house. She called and we talked. I sent her the man's number for a yard quote. I cleaned in the kitchen and the next few rooms. I cleaned for 1:25m, then went to start laundry at company house. No one was there.

I went home for breakfast, and listened to Tucker Carlson. I added to the grocery list. Chris prepped the cooler and we went to Tooele. We shopped at the usual places and came back. Then we stopped at the commissary and at the post office.

We unloaded the food, then I went to the company house to move the sheets to the dryer and somebody already had. However the sheets weren't completely dry because they were all tangled together. I pulled out the ones that were dry enough and re-ran the others. I put the towels in the washer. I made the bed with the dry sheets and the extra set. After half an hour, I went to the second street house. I spent an hour doing walls and windows and scrubbing the baseboards.

I went back to the company house and waited for the towels to finish (why did it take longer than usual?) and put them in the dryer. I went home for supper. Chris had heated pork hocks. I also ate potatoes and sunflower sprouts. I ate some of the cashew cake from Michelle.

After 75 minutes, I went back to the company house. The towels were not dry. Sigh. I went home to finish an interview and work on my blog. Then I headed back to the house to fold or hang towels. Still no one there. Finally I went to Michelle's house for game night. I had a good time but needed a few hints. At 11, Casey filled my water container and I thanked them and went home. Chris was still up. So we shut everything down and went to bed.

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