Saturday, April 8, 2023

What was the coin for?


I got up around 8:15, got ready for the day. I read Telegram messages: one guy showed how to construct a voltage generator with a series of magnet-copper-paper-zinc-magnet stacks. A stack the size of a cigarette produced 25 volts.

At 11, I went to the company house to get the laundry started. There was personal laundry in the dryer. I went home and listened to an interview on women's problems, then made and ate breakfast. At 12:45 I went back to the company house with laundry baskets. I emptied the dryer and moved the sheets over, then put the towels in the washer.

I went home and finished breakfast. I made a grocery list. I finished listening to Jordan Peterson interview Mike Lee (Utah senator) about the war in Ukraine.

Chris came back from the office and we stopped at the post office, then went to Tooele. We shopped at the usual places and I got some potted flowers for the ladies. Then we headed back. We stopped at the commissary for a few things, and went home.

I rested a little while, then went back to the company house to finish up. There were two men watching TV. I told them I was there to clean and to let me know if they needed anything. They left and I made the beds and cleaned the bathrooms and mopped the floors.

When I got home, Chris had made me beef and mushrooms. The colonel had stuff for the swap shop so Chris told him to come over. I made and ate a salad while I read e-mail, and listened to This Week with Mary and Polly. I paused it when the colonel arrived. Chris helped him bring in bags of fabric and really thick yarn. Then Chris opened the garage and all the rest of his stuff went in there. Silly me, I thought we were all going to the swap shop.

When he left, we went back inside. Michelle had texted me to come over for Game Night. So I gathered my empty water container and tea and went over. Her mother was visiting, so we chatted a bit. Then I played and solved 4 games over the course of the night. After the third game, a coin unexpectedly showed up on the “You Win” screen. But I clicked 'next game' too fast and missed whatever text went with it.

Anyway, at 11, I got ready to go. Michelle wanted to talk, but I picked up the full water container and edged my way to the door. We did chat a little, then I put the water in my car and went home.

Chris was still up. I was going to go to bed, but remembered that I hadn't done my blog. He went to bed while I typed furiously. Then I retired too.

** I don't remember learning this in history class. At least the gov't had to pay for the gold that was turned in. Hope it doesn't happen again. **

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