Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Back trouble


I got up soon after 7 when Chris left for work. I scrubbed my feet in the washbowl (gets harder each year), then got dressed. I tried to access the internet but there was no connection. I checked the cord, and worked on my blog post. But still, there was no connection. This happened yesterday and it sorted itself out at some point in the morning. I think it was a short power outage. But we haven't had one today.

I went through the bag from Melanie's and muscle tested the items inside. I went cleaning for two hours at Heather's house. I hurt my back scrubbing cat urine off of the baseboards.  Is it because  I missed my workout last week?  Jenni came over to sort stuff in the garage. I left and stopped by the garden to make sure the irrigation system was working.

I went home for breakfast. I read e-mail with the frozen Chillow behind me. Chris came home for lunch, and asked me to make bread. I assembled the ingredients, and pre-rose the yeast. I joined a website and entered my reading hours for the library.

It was after 2 when I went to Saronna's house. We played in her front yard because everyone was sleeping, then she gave me a bike for the swap shop. A man walked up to ask when it would be open and I said in a few minutes. I went home to drop off my trombone, then went to open the swap shop. Sherri met me there and Jenni was there. The man showed up too. We got into a conversation as Sherri looked for basic household stuff till hers arrives.

Finally we left and I locked up. I went home, then remembered the flute. I texted Dillon's mom and she said to meet them at the commissary. So I did. When I saw them, she said he was excited. I showed him how to put the flute together and how to clean it out after use.

I met someone in the commissary parking lot who kept addressing me as Miss Fern. She looked familiar. I went home to sit against the Chillow, in a rocking motion to keep my lower back limber.

I was listening to Russel Brand when Chris came home from work and started making steaks. Jamie came over to give me a contract and discuss an offer to do weekly cleaning at the barracks for the air force. Then I ate supper and made tea. We watched two episodes of Andromeda. Chris went to bed, and I stayed up reading e-mail. I wasn't able to do all the usual stretches, but I did some and went to bed.


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