Saturday, July 8, 2023

Time for a new game: Myst


I got up at 8. I did the usual. My paint pen wasn't working, so I opened it up and poured out a little bit of paint. I got a small brush and painted over some of the letters on the poster that Michelle made for me. When I'd had enough practice, I added some quote marks. They looked pretty good.

While it dried, I went outside to water the plants. I met Tonya over at Tim;s house so she could look through stuff. She found a few things, then packed extra for the swap shop. While I cleaned in the kitchen, she went to open the swap shop to put stuff in and to let Shiloh in. She came back with Shiloh and they packed up more stuff for the swap shop. Then Tonya had to leave. Shiloh kept packing stuff into boxes. As I finished up in the kitchen, she moved the boxes to the garage. Around noon, I locked the house but left the garage door open so she could come back for more of the stuff.

I went home to make and eat breakfast. Chris had his lunch. I worked on the grocery list, then we headed to Tooele. We shopped in Luckey's, then I walked to Melanie's. I shopped there and bought a one year discount card good for 10% off. I asked if stuff would be free if I bought 10 cards. I also talked to Melanie about investing in her company with money I got from Dad.

Then we went to Macey's, and then back to base. We stopped at the commissary and at the post office. We unloaded the groceries at home. I put stuff away and got the receipts for Tonya.

We found the new laptop on our front porch. Chris opened it and started taking it apart. Cue the swearing. I made cheese squares. Tonya texted to ask for some yarn that was donated. So I took it over to her camper that they just bought. They are so proud of it and are making adjustments to fit their needs and the cats needs. We talked about that, and I complained about the new laptop.

When I got back, Chris had made fish. I ate supper and looked at the laptop. Chris said they don't make them like they used to. He offered to buy me the new version of the same laptop I had before. I worked on my blog on the desktop and jotted notes on the new one.

I went to Michelle's house for Game night. I told them about the new laptop. I finished The Dig, and we all watched the ending together. Then we started Myst. It seemed different than when I played it decades ago. Casey gave me some hints that helped a lot. But I got stuck in a new world and couldn't get back. I saved the game and we chatted a bit before I left.

When I got home, it was after 11 and Chris was still up. We discussed the laptop and decided to order what I really wanted. Then I turned off stuff and went to bed.

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