Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Neighborhood meeting


I woke up while Chris was getting ready for work. I stayed bed until after 7:30. Then I got up and dressed. I cut up one of Chris' old work shirts and used it for mulch on the flowerbox. I planted the remaining tomato in a large pot and watered it well. I watered all the other potted plants and then the beds. Then I watered the grass that was looking weak. I think our sprinkler system needs work.

I came in for water and to check e-mail. I got a call saying someone wanted to fix our kitchen lights at 9:30. But around 9:50, I decided I had to leave for cleaning. And then he was there. He agreed to come back around lunch time.

I went to Heather's house because there was a car in Shelby's driveway. I worked in the kitchen. I texted Tonja and Jenni about food in the fridge and stuff in the garage. Tonja came over to look and got some puzzles and food. At 11, I went to Shelby's house. No one was there. I worked on the stove and walls and the sliding glass door.

At noon I went home to make breakfast and read e-mail. Before one, the maintenance man arrived to fix the lights. As he worked, I jotted notes for my blog. Chris came home for lunch and the two men talked. They decided we should have LED lights in the kitchen.

I continued to read e-mail, then around 2:30 went over to Shelby's to clean. I worked on a very greasy oven. I went home after 5 to have a bite to eat and throw the colored load in the washer.  There was no time for the monthly quilt guild meeting.

 Then I went to the community club for the neighborhood meeting. The colonel and his family came, plus both current and future CSM's, and people from MWR. I think Jenni and I were the only people there who did not work for the garrison.

After the meeting, Jenni and Shannon and I walked around the block that the club was on. When we got back around, Jenni headed home. Shannon and I talked for bit while our husbands were talking. Then we split up and went home.

It was after 8. I finished writing my blog post, then made tea. We watched two episodes of Andromeda, pausing briefly to answer Jamie's call. Then Chris went to bed. I stayed up to read e-mail.


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