Wednesday, September 27, 2023

A productive day


I got up after 7:30, hoping to get some morning sleep. I washed up and got dressed. I checked e-mail. I looked up how to use the Kaatsu device. Then I put on the arm bands and set it for 3 cycles. At times they felt too tight, So I put on the pulse oximeter to make sure the blood flow wasn't cut off. After that, I did 2 cycles with the leg bands. I wore them outside to water the plants, but they tended to fall off. So I guess those weren't tight enough. By request, I went and opened the swap shop.

There was a pair of pants on my sewing table so I put on an audio and listened while I opened up the back seam and pinned it for a smaller seam allowance. I paused the audio when I had to run to the machine. I stitched the belt loops back by hand.

I made and ate breakfast, forgoing any nuts or fruit. I had cheese squares and pickled zucchini. I looked for fabric with a sewing theme, but ran out of time. At 2 I went to Saronna's house, stopping on the way to lock the swap shop. We played music while her son napped. She copied a page from a book I had and we played a patriotic duet. We also played a jazzy version of When the Saints go Marching In.

Then I went by the library to make copies of other songs in the book. I also checked out some TV series for nightly watching. I had a nice chat with the librarians, then went home. I read e-mail and created an order for a set racquets and a can of balls.

That reminded me to go by the gym to buy a 10pass card for yoga. I asked if I could give Jenni one of them and she didn't know, said I had to ask the teacher. So I went home and looked her up on Facebook. I hoped to message her, but could only send a friend request.

I went back to e-mail and deleted several hundred of them. I found a tapping audio, a sequel to the one yesterday and tapped with that. I ate a can of soup for supper. I went outside to wash gopher mounds down their respective holes. No gophers came up to be stoned.

I worked on my daily blog post. I had drunk all the loose leaf tea I made at breakfast so I made more with a tea bag. We watched two episodes of Forever Knight, courtesy of Netflix. Chris went to bed and I stayed up to do something.

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