Friday, September 15, 2023

Cheese squares and seed crackers for Sunday


I got up at 7:30. It was too cold to go outside, so I stayed in and made seed crackers and cheese squares. Then I went out to water the plants and wash down gopher mounds. I also called the bank to set up Zelle. It was not simple. I had to go online to set it up and it kept timing out on me while I tried to read the terms and agreements. Basically it says no matter what goes wrong, or how much fault they are at, you have no recourse against them.

I trimmed off the crunchy edges of the cheese and ate it. I cut the rest into 2” squares. Then I beat the coconut on the porch until it cracked open and ate the meat inside. Then I put on another interview and went to my sewing room to get the pair of pants that Chris wanted let out. But now, there were TWO pairs of pants. Sigh.

I made breakfast and watched The Highwire. I also ripped the back seam out of both pairs of pants. I looked up fusible applique to come up with a project for Saturday - something easy enough for kids to do. I decided on a pumpkin. I couldn't find the right pic so I had to sew up a sample. Then I posted the class to Facebook.

I went to the library to return a book. Melissa was outside talking to someone. She told me to go ahead into the library, but then a guy came over and told me that the toys had been moved from the yoga room. And then an older gentleman came out and we had a lovely chat for some time. Melissa left and came back and left again. After he left, I went in and found a new book, #6. She and I talked about #5, and using the ACS room for gaming purposes.

I went home for supper. I ate a pig foot while talking to Jenni who was at the swap shop. Chris came home with a pizza. I hung up and told him about my earlier conversations. Then I picked a salad from my tower garden and ate that while listening to an interview.

I worked on my blog and made tea. We watched two episodes of Andromeda. He went to bed while I read e-mail and parsed supplements for the next week.

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