Saturday, September 2, 2023

New game - Myst III


I got up around 8. I got dressed and watered the plants outside. I made up supplements for the week. I called my bank and had to leave a message. No one called me back. I took my phone and went up the hill to clean. T47 called on the way so I had to pull over and take the call. Then I completed my trip.

I parked outside and went in the garage. Usually I leave the garage open, but the wind was just too strong. I closed the door so I could remove and clean the pieces of the garage fridge. I also scrubbed burner bowls. Again, I had to field a call from a T47 rep. They want me to sign up to be an on-call person.

90 minutes later, I went home and made breakfast. I added a few things to the grocery list. Then Chris packed the cooler and we went to Tooele. We shopped at Macey's, then Melanie's. I gave them the banking numbers that they needed to make payments to First Bank of Fern. I also bought some berberine. Then I went to Cal Ranch for a watering can, but they had been put away for the season. I called Tonja to talk about the meds she needed picked up. Then we went to Macey's. On the way back, we stopped at the pharmacy and picked up a bagful of meds. Wow!

We listened to the book on CD on the way back. I nearly fell asleep. We stopped at the commissary for a few last things. Then we went home to unpack the car. I threw the receipts in with Tonja's stuff to mail to her. Then Chris put fish in the oven to bake. I jotted notes for my blog. Chris cooked fish for supper. I picked greens for a salad. I read e-mail and played Solitaire. I read about the AQS online quilt show with entries from many states and countries. There were none from Utah so I entered some of mine.

I posted to my blog for yesterday. Then it was game night. I took the water container and a bottle of tea and went to Michelle's house. Her husband had queued up Myst III. I had no idea what I was in for, but it went well enough. I had to get used to the new way the screen moved. And I had to sit a lot closer to the screen. Although the movement made my eyes hurt a little, I actually got a lot done. Possibly because from experience playing Myst and Riven. (hint: if you see a lever, push it). By 11pm, I had figured out that all the 3-way telescopes had to be lined up from one to the other with the colored bulb on top of each one showing the order.

I saved the game and shut it down. Casey had already carried the water out to my car and the stock pot that Michelle had borrowed earlier. She had boiled a turkey carcass and she gave me a jar of broth. I thanked them and drove home. Chris was still up. I went to bed and he followed.

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