Thursday, November 9, 2023

Community meeting


I got up at 7. I picked sage and spicy greens from the tower garden and put them in the dehydrator. I got ready for coffee morning. I read for half an hour by the HappyLight. After the tapping and meditation, I cleaned the bathrooms and kitchen. I ran the dishwasher. I watered the tower garden and other indoor plants using a weak solution of kefir. There was some left for the cold frame plants.

Chris came home for lunch. I vacuumed the carpeted areas and mopped the kitchen floor. I took a shower. I cut down the tomato plants that froze to death and put the pots and stakes in the back.

Then I grabbed a cleaning contract and went to 110 for a signing. It was $200, to include cleaning the bathroom, but the housing person said it was shared by 111, so I didn't have to clean it. Hmmm. I probably will anyway.

I stopped by the commissary for bananas. Then I went home to get the coffee can. Gary texted that he needed a bed frame. So after I spread the grounds in the garden, I unlocked the swap shop for him. I also got a text from Jenni about taking her place in the swap shop tomorrow. So I called to see if she was feeling better and other stuff. She said someone wanted a rocker and I said the swap shop was open.

I went back to working outside. I added bubble wrap to the cold frame to keep it warmer. I took apart a bunch of boxes and put them in the recycling. I went to the gym to work out. My back was not happy when I left. I went home to read e-mail and delete a bunch of stuff.

I went to the community club for the neighborhood meeting. Charity held the meeting off until Chris and the colonel showed up. Then we discussed Friendsgiving and Turkey Bowl. There are events in December as well. We discussed replacing the neighborhood group with a SFRG, which the colonel's wife would head up. SFRG's are allowed to fund raise, where neighborhood groups cannot. Chris left early to go to Mass. I left about 6:20 and went home.

I emptied part of the dishwasher and put the handwashed dishes away. I worked on my blog and was reminded that I hadn't locked the swap shop. But by the time I posted, I had forgotten. I made tea and we watched two episodes of Psych. THEN, I went and locked the swap shop. Chris went to bed and I stayed up to look for a good deal on strings of lights for a possible Christmas project.

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