Wednesday, November 22, 2023

The first Christmas card


I got up around 7:45. After the usual ablutions, I gave the tower garden its daily turn and switched on the red light. I had promised myself I would write two Christmas cards, but I knew I wouldn't be happy with that. And in trying to find the address for the first one, I came across cards from last year that I never responded to. Sigh. I put on the Kaatsu bands and searched through all the scraps of paper, throwing away most of them. I even searched my laptop. I texted Michele and she sent me the address.

I finished the card, addressed it and added a stamp. I added pics of stuff in the swap shop to Christina's post so people would be more likely to go. I unloaded half of the dishwasher. The other half was heavy casserole dishes crammed together at the bottom. I left it for Chris. I started a batch of rolls by proofing the yeast in turkey juice. I selected some sheets to go to the library for their Grinch cave.

I washed dishes that were in the sink. I wrote another card, and got a check ready for mailing. I made breakfast and ate most of it, the went to the inspection. Needless to say, it passed. I stopped by the library on the way home to drop off the sheets and her top.

When I came home, the rolls were not quite ready to bake. I finished eating, thennread some articles. I put the rolls in the oven, and ate a grapefruit. After the rolls were done, I went to Housing to return the apartment key. I ate one of the rolls to see if it was baked thoroughly. A little more baking wouldn't have hurt it.

I translated some back-of-the-envelop writing to a text file. I practiced my trombone for the day. I cleaned the carpet shampooer and emptied the vacuum, ready for the next house to come along.

I listened to something, then watched the quilt guild meeting on Zoom. Afterward, I ate turkey and casserole for supper and listened to a podcast on Israel. Randy came over to get the large pots. Then I went back to the podcast. I worked on my blog and made tea. We watched two episodes of Psych. Chris went to bed and I stayed up a little later.

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